(1) Angie
100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

(2) Barbara
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
(Either 5 rounds for time, or 5 rounds with 3:00 rest between each round.)

(3) Chelsea
Each min on the minute for 30 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

(4) Cindy
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

(5) Mary
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 Handstand pushups
10 1legged
15 Pullups

(6) JT
reps, for time:
Handstand pushups
Ring dips

(7) Annie

(8) Nicole
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
Run 400m
Max rep pullups
Note number of pullups each round.

(9) Murph
Run 1 mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
Partition the pullups,
and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run.
If you've got a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.

(10) Jason
100 Squats
5 Muscleups
75 Squats
10 Muscleups
50 Squats
15 Muscleups
25 Squats
20 Muscleups

(11) Griff
Run 800m
Run 400m backward
Run 800m
Run 400m backward

(12) Ryan
5 rounds for time:
7 muscleups
21 burpees
Each burpee 12” above max reach

(13) Death by Pullups
With a continuously running clock do one pullup
the first minute, two pullups
second minute, three pullups
the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use
as many sets each minute as needed.

(14) 30 muscleups
for time

(15) 120 pullups and 120 dips for time

(16) GI Jane
100 burpee pullups
for time

(17) As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
15 pullups
30 pushups
45 squats

(18) Walking lunge 400m for time

(19) Tabata Something Else
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the
first 8 intervals are pullups,
the second 8 are pushups,
the third 8 intervals are situps,
and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

(20) 50-40-30-20-10
reps for time:
Ring Dips

(21) 150 burpees for time

(22) For time, following the sequence of 15/1, 13/3, etc.
Handstand pushups: 15/13/11/9/7/5/3/1

(23) 3 rounds for time of:
Run 800m
50 Pullups

(24) 50 burpees
Jump 12” above max reach each one.

(25) 50 Situps
50 Doubleunders
50 Situps
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Situps
50 Burpees
50 Situps

(26) 7 rounds for time of:10 One legged squats, alternating12 Ring dips15 Pullups

(27) Ten rounds for time of:12 Burpees12 Pullups

(28) Four rounds for time of:Run 400 ms50 Squats

(29) 5 rounds for time of:15 LPullups30 Pushups45 Situps

(30) With a continuously running clock do one muscleupthe first minute, two muscleupsthesecond minute, three muscleupsthe third minute, as long as you can. Run 400m. Repeatladder for deadhang pullups. Run 400m. Repeat ladder for kipping pullups. Run 400m.

(31) 3 rounds for time of:50 Pushups50 Situps50 Squats

(32) For time:100 squats100 Pullups200 Pushups300 Squats100 lunges

(33) Bodyweight Fran21/15/9reps of:PullupsBurpees

(34) Segmented Bodyweight Fran21/15/9reps of:PullupsPushupsSquat jumps to 12” above max reach

(35) 50/35/20rep rounds of:Handstand pushupsPullups

(36) Repeat for 15 minutes:20 seconds of pullups20 seconds of situps20 seconds of squats

(37) For time:100 Pullups200 Pushups300 Squats50 Situps

(38) Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:25 Pullups50 Pushups75 Squats

(39) Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:25 handstand pushups50 One legged squats, alternating75 Pullups

(40) Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:10 L pullups20 Squats

(41) 100/75/50/25reps:SitupsFlutterkicks (4 count)Leg levers

(42) Cummulative L-holdfor total of 5:00. Use bar, rings, or floor.Stop timer when you drop out of position. Record total time it takes to get 5:00.

(43) 100 situps100 flutterkicks (4 count)100 leg levers

(44) With a continuously running clock do one Handstand pushupthe first minute, two pullupsthe second minute, three Handstand pushupsthe third minute and four pullupsthe fourthminute continuing in this pattern as long as you are able. If your pace falls behind thecount, continue to alternate exercises while recording reps for a total of twentyminutes.

(45) Handstand pushups 5x5Maximize range of motion by using blocks. Treat this as a ME strength workout.

(46) Running Tabata Something ElseFor time:Tabata pullups, 1 roundRun 1 mileTabata pushups, 1 roundRun 1 mileTabata situps, 1 roundRun 1 mileTabata squats, 1 roundRun 1 mile

(47) 10/20/30 reps of:


Handstand pushups



(48) Running with Angie100 pullupsRun 1 mile100 pushupsRun 1 mile100 situpsRun 1 mile100 squatsRun 1 mile

(49) With a continuously running clock do one Ring dip the first minute, two Ring dip thesecond minute, three Ring dip the third minute...continuing as long as you are able.Use as many sets each minute as needed.

(50) Murph TributeRun 1 mile50 pullups100 pushups150 situps200 squatsRun 1 mile50 pullups100 pushups150 situps200 squatsRun 1 mileFor time, no partitioning

(51) For time:50 Ring dips100 Squats50 Ring dips100 Squats50 Ring dips

(52) 21/15/9for time of:Handstand pushupsInverted Pullups

(53) Five rounds for time of:50 walking lunges15 Handstand pushups

(54) Deck of Cards (corecentric)Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued.Flip each card and perform the movement and the number of reps specified. Cycle wholedeck.Hearts BurpeesDiamonds MountainClimbers (4ct)Spades Flutterkicks(4ct)Clubs SitupsJokers Run400m

(55) Deck of Cards (original)Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued.Flip each card and perform the movement and the number of reps specified. Cycle wholedeck.Hearts PushupsDiamonds PullupsSpades SitupsClubs SquatsJokers Run1 mile

(56) Five rounds for time of:21 pullups21 Ring dips

(57) 21/15/9reps of:Ring PushupsRing dips

(58) Five rounds for time of:30 Handstand pushups30 Pullups

(59) 5 rounds:Max ring dips in 1:00Rest 1:00Max ring pushups in 1:00Rest 1:00

(60) For time:100 squats20 Handstand pushups30 pullups

(61) For time:100 squats9 Handstand pushups200 squats15 Handstand pushups100 squats21 Handstand pushups

(62) Seven rounds of:Max reps DipsMax reps Pullups

(63) 100 LPullupsfor time

(64) For time:100 Squats40 Pullups80 Squats32 Pullups60 Squats24 Pullups40 Squats16 Pullups20 Squats8 Pullups

(65) For time:80 squats10 Handstand pushups60 squats20 Handstand pushups40 squats30 Handstand pushups20 squats

(66) Ten rounds for time of:10 Pullups20 Pushups30 Squats

(67) Four rounds for time of:50 Squats5 Muscleups

(68) Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:7 Handstand pushups12 LPullups

(69) For time:50 Squats50 pullups50 steps Walking Lunge50 Knees to elbows5 Handstand pushups50 situps5 Handstand pushups50 squats50 pullups

(70) For time:100 Squats30 Muscleups100 Squats

(71) Four rounds for time of:25 Lunges50 Squats

(72) For time:100 squats25 Situps100 squats25 situps100 squats25 Knees to elbows100 squats25 Handstand pushups

(73) Three rounds for time of:100 Squats50 Ring Dips30 LPullups

(74) Five rounds for time of:5 Handstand pushups5 Muscleups

(75) 2 rounds for time of:35 squats35 knees to elbows35 squats35 Situps35 Lunges

(76) 21/18/15/12/9/6/3for time of:SquatsL PullupsKnees to elbows

(77) Seven rounds for time of:35 squats25 pushups15 pullups

(78) Five rounds for time of:10 dips15 Pullups20 Handstand pushups

(79) Five rounds for time of:100 squats20 Lunges35 pushups

(80) Give 30 minutes to handstand and hand walking practice.

(81) Three rounds for time of:100 squats25 Lpullups30 Handstand pushups

(82) Three rounds for time of:7 Muscleups100 squats

(83) Five rounds for time of:50 Squats30 Handstand pushups

(84) Three rounds for time of:100 squats20 ring pushups12 Pullups

(85) Five rounds for time of:50 squats15 ring pushups

(86) Three rounds for time of:50 Squats30 Pullups40 Pushups50 Squats

(87) 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Pullups Ring pushups Handstand pushups

(88) 5 rounds for time of:9 Handstand pushups9 Pullups

(89) 2 rounds for time of:21 Lunges21 Pullups21 Squats21 Ring Dips21 Handstand pushups

(90) As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:10 False grip ring pullups(rings to chest)10 Ring dips (go as deep as possible)

(91) Five rounds for time of:50 Squats21 Ring dips21 Handstand pushups

(92) For time:21 pullups50 squats21 Knees to elbows18 pullups50 squats18 Knees to elbows15 pullups50 squats15 Knees to elbows12 pullups50 squats12 Knees to elbows

(93) 7 rounds for time of:20 Ring dips20 Pullups20 Lunges

(94) For time:25 Squats25 Situps25 Lunges25 Handstand pushups25 Pushups25 Knees to elbows25 Dips25 Pullups

(95) As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:10 Pullups10 Ring Dips10 Walking lunges

(96) Bad Snake100 Rope Jumps21 Knee to elbows50 Push ups15 LPullups100 Rope Jumps15 Knee to elbows35 Push ups12 LPullups100 Rope Jumps12 Knee to elbows20 Push ups9 LPullups

(97) Seppuku10 rounds:10 Lpullups10 Ring pushups10 Knee to Elbows

(98) 20 pieces of Angie20 rounds:5 pullups5 pushups5 situps5 squats

(99) Burning Rings of Fire10 Ring Pushups10 Archer Pushups(5 each side)10 Ring Flyes10 Wide Grip Ring Pushups10 SinglelegRing Pushups(5 each led)10 PseudoplancheRing Pushups10 Jackknife Ring Pushups10 Dive Bomber Ring Pushups10 Elevated Ring Pushups10 Ring Pushups

(100) For time:25 Handstand pushups25 squats25 Pullups25 One legged squats
25 muscle ups

(101) 3 rounds for time of:100 squats50 ring dips

(102) For time:100 Squats21 Handstand Pushups30 pullups100 Squats30 pullups21 Handstand Pushups100 Squats

(103) Five rounds for time of:20 Squats20 Pushups20 Pullups

(104) 50/40/30/20/10reps Pullups Squat jumps

(105) 50 burpees75 flutterkicks (4count)100 pushups150 situps

(106) Run 1 mile30 pullups (chest to bar)60 pushups

(107) 2 rounds:Max Pushups 2:00Max Situps 2:00Max flutterkicks 2:00Max squats 2:00

(108) For time:100 Squats20 Handstand Pushups30 Pullups100 Squats30 Pullups20 Handstand Pushups100 Squats

(109) 15 rounds for max reps:Pullups,30 seconds on / 30 seconds off

(110) For total time:Run 10 minutes max effort200 squatsRun 10 minutes max effort

(111) For time:50 Squats50 Jumping pullups50 steps Walking Lunge50 Knees to elbows50 Handstand Pushups50 Situps50 Dips50 Squats50 Pushups

(112) Run 1 mile21 LPullupsRun 1 mile21 Bar muscleupsRun 1 mile21 Ring muscleups

(113) 4 rounds:50 walking lunges50 squatsRun 400m

(114) 4 rounds:5 muscleups50 straightleglifts on rings

(115) 5 rounds:10 burpees20 box/bench jumps30 pushups40 squats50 lunges

(116) 100 bodyblasters (burpeepullupskneestoelbows)for time

(117) Playing with PushupsRun 100m20 Pushups5 Burpees15 Clap Pushups5 Burpess10 ChestSlapPushups5 Burpees5 Fingertip PushupsRun 100m15 Pushups5 Burpees10 Clap Pushups5 Burpees10 ChestSlapPushups5 Burpees5 Fingertip PushupsRun 100m10 Pushups5 Burpees10 Clap Pushups5 Burpees10 ChestSlapPushups5 Burpees5 Fingertip Pushups

(118) Balboa4 rounds for time of:100 Jump RopesRun 400 meters10 Bodyblasters (burpeepullupkneestoelbows)

(119) Crouching Tiger50 Squats25 Pushups50 Pistols25 Fingertip Pushups50 Side Lunges25 Knuckle Pushups50 Walking Lunges25 Diamond Pushups

(120) Fractured Runny Angie

Run 400 meters25 Pullups25 Pushups25 Situps25 Squats

(121) Run 5k for time, but every 5:00 do 50 pushups and 50 squats.

(122) 20/16/12/8/4reps of:OnearmpushupsOneleggedsquats

(123) 50 flutterkicks50 situpsRun 400m100 flutterkicks100 situpsRun 400m

20 mins:
5 pullups
25 yard lunges
10 burpees
100 yard sprint
15 push ups
25 yard lunges
20 air squats


for time:

25 pull ups

50 squats

50 Dead lifts 135 lbs

50 KB swings 1.5 pood

50 Knees to elbows

25 pull ups


for time:

50 box jumps 24"box

50 jumping pull ups

50 KB swings 1 pood

walking lunge 50 steps

50 knees to elbows

5o push press 45lbs

50 back extensions

50 wall ball shots 20lb ball

50 burpees

50 double unders

(127) Weighted pull ups


(128) Dead Lift


(129) Dead Lift


(130) Push Jerk


(131) "FRAN"

for time:


95lb thruster

pull ups

(132) "JEREMY"

for time:


95lb over head Squat


(133) For Time:

15 hand stand push ups

1 L-pull up

13 hand stand push ups

3 L-pull up

11 Hand stand push ups

5 L-pull ups

7 Hand stand push ups

9 L-pull ups

5 Hand stand push ups

11 L-pull ups

3 Hand stand push ups

13 L-pull ups

1 Hand stand push ups

15 L-pull ups

(134) Lynne

Bench Press Body Weight

Pull Ups

Max reps for 5 Rounds

record for each round

(135) 21 reps 45lb Squat Snach left arm

21 reps 45lb Squat Snach right arm

45 pull ups

15 reps 45lb Squat Snach left arm

15 reps 45lb Squat Snach right arm

30 pull ups

9 reps 45lb Squat Snach left arm

9 reps 45lb Squat Snach right arm

20 pull ups

(136) "Karen"

for time:

150 wall ball shots

20lb ball

(137) Back Squats


(138) Tabata Something Else

8-pull ups

8-push ups

8- sit ups

8- squats

(139) Helen

3 rounds for time

run 400m

21 KB swings 1 1/2 pood

12 pull ups

(140) 50 pull ups

50 ring dips

40 pull ups

40 ring dips

30 pull ups

30 ring dips

20 pull ups

20 ring dips

10 pull ups

10 ring dips

(141) for time

15- 12-9

95lb thruster

Muscle ups


for time:

21 thrusters 135lb

21 pull ups

15 Squat cleans 135lb

15 ring dips

9 dead lifts 225lb

9 hand stand push ups